8 comments Arthur Hogan 8 comments Arthur Hogan

Guys to Avoid

You can’t write about the hooker spectrum and forget their corollary – the fu*k boy. The whole reason why some women have turned to this new spectrum is to avoid dealing with the f-boy (we’ll shorten it to f-boy to avoid the repeated f-bombs).

But before we get into that, something needs to be explained.

Back in the day, your grandfather’s day, finding a wife was not hard. All you had to do was walk down the block.

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16 comments Arthur Hogan 16 comments Arthur Hogan

The New Spectrum of Sex Workers

I was having a work dinner with a French capital allocator and he mentioned to me that he had gone on a date with a female friend of mine.

I asked how they met and what he said next startled me:

Seeking arrangements, you know it?

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

The Craziest Drug Trip of All Time

Have you ever had an experience where you took too much of something and thought I am going to die?

The experience usually resolves itself within hours.

But what if it didn’t take a few hours and lasted almost a week. What if instead of being in the comfort of your home or at a concert, you were having the bad trip while in the middle of the Arctic circle fighting the Russian army on skies.

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

How Renzo Gracie and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Can Solve Most Of America’s Problems

Growing up, there was a kid at my elementary school who spent years doing karate. He walked around like he was the toughest kid on the planet. Then one day, another kid decided fkkk it, and took a swing at him. Karate kid fell and had no response but to stammer away and tell the other kid that his dad was a lawyer and he would sue him.

As Mike Tyson once said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Karate didn’t seem to offer much of a plan (but I guess having a lawyer dad did).

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3 comments Arthur Hogan 3 comments Arthur Hogan

How Shaman Bros Killed 1Oak

Last weekend, for the first time in several years, I ventured into the basement of a NYC night club – not just any NYC night club but Tao Group’s leading entrée into the scene, Little Sister (in my defense a friend of mine had a birthday there).

NYC night clubs are finally opening up and an old social order is trying to re-exert itself.

But will it succeed?

My answer after a one-hour excursion is no.

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18 comments Arthur Hogan 18 comments Arthur Hogan

The Rise of the Shaman Bro (and his eventual demise)

If you go to a sceney party these days in New York City, you will encounter guys – grown adult men - who dress like wizards.

They wear colorful capes and tunics and crystals. They are surrounded by beautiful women who pulsate about as a DJ pumps trance music set to a tribal African chant.

I realized the other day that this new breed of adult males was becoming a recently formed species in the anthology of American bro types.

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8 comments Arthur Hogan 8 comments Arthur Hogan

What Models and Mass Murderers Have in Common

When a mass murder shooting happens, we usually get a general media reaction about gun control and then a specific media reaction related to the killer’s motivations – if they are Muslim or brown, the right-wing media will hype up Islamic terrorism and if they are white, the mainstream media will hype up affiliation with white nationalism, Trump.

However, all these commentaries miss the common thread interwoven in all these cases – none of the shooters seem to be the sort of guys who have sex.

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5 comments Arthur Hogan 5 comments Arthur Hogan

Terrence Tao will be more famous than Lebron James

In the year 1812 and in the Bohemian spa town of Teplitz, two artistic giants of the 19th century, the great German writer Goethe and the great German composer Beethoven, spent a week together, taking walks every day along the boulevard discussing art and culture and history.

The story goes that one day they were walking when they encountered the Austrian Imperial court proceeding by – the emperor with his key advisors.

Goethe moved aside and removed his cap in respect. Beethoven entirely ignored the whole proceeding.

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

Evolutionary Biology and Russian Gold Diggers

Let us imagine for a second that you are not you but instead you are Marie, a beautiful peasant girl living in the countryside of 17th century, pre-industrial France.

You have just turned twenty and you have a choice to make.

You can either marry Pierre who is young and handsome and absolutely devoted to you, but also a peasant.

Or you can be the 9th concubine of Louis the 14th. You’ve never met Louis but he is the Sun King of France and he is old and fat and mean and you will be his toy.

What would you choose?

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

Was Genghis Kahn A Trust Fund Kid?

When we think about great political figures of the past – the folks who built empires and rendered the world theirs – we rarely focus on their origin story. We focus instead on the breadth of what they did.

But it is an interesting question to ask – how would great conquerors have appeared to us were they to arrive at power in modern 21st century America?

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

The World as a High School: What if countries were characters in an Aaron Spelling TV Drama?

A friend of mine who is in Congress told me that Congress is a lot like in high school – you have cliques and fractions, the cool kids and the losers. I had heard something similar from someone who worked in the UN. People think they move past the social complexities of high school but the reality is that high school just gets continuously re -created everywhere you go throughout life.  

It got me thinking – what if you took the world and had to cast each country as a character in a 1990s Aaron Spelling high school TV drama set in the early 1990s Southern California. What would each country’s character look like? How would the cliques form?

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

Our Burning Man Future

For basically all of human history, we lived in tribal units that were roughly 150 people in size (also known as Dunbar’s number). These 150 people roamed the earth together, sharing resources, fighting off the elements and surviving danger for literally tens of thousands of years.  

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

The Knight is Gone and That is Okay

I have two friends who we will call the German groper and the kind Canadian and in the days that we went out these two individuals had two very different methods to approaching women.

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

The Holodomors of History

There is a great 2019 movie that few people saw called Mr. Jones about a Welsh investigative journalist who goes to the Ukraine in the 1930s and uncovers the massive state orchestrated famine occurring in the countryside there.

The Holodomor (which translated from Ukrainian means murder by hunger) killed between 7 to 10 million Ukrainians according to a 2003 UN Commission.

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Arthur Hogan Arthur Hogan

SJW Series (2 of 3):How the SJW Thought Virus Took Over the World

To re-recap – humanity lived more or less in a superstitious, religious darkness for its entire history until, some Europeans starting in the 16th century, began systematically practicing a thing called the scientific method and then using that thing, they created other things like The Enlightenment, which in turn brought about still other things like Modernism and the Modern World – which gave us long lives, cars and text messaging.

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